Wednesday 11 April 2018

Adinkra Art by grade 2 students

Grade 2 students exploring Adinkra Art form

Adinkra is a printed or stamped traditional cloth made by the Ashanti people in Ghana, especially in the village of Ntonso. Adinkra (ah-DEENK-rah) symbols have been used in Ghana on clothes, walls, pottery and as logos since the early 1800’s, when King Adinkra was a king from the Ivory Coast. The symbols each had a special meaning, and some have been passed on for over 100 years.

As a part of the unit based on theme How we express ourselves, Grade 2 students were inquiring about various forms of communication. Integrating with visual arts they have learnt about Adinkra art from Ghana and various meanings of symbols. They have learnt potato printing techniques to create their own meaningful symbol and printed on cloth.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Grade 3A students enjoying Islamic Art

Islamic art- Glass painting by Grade 3 students

Grade 3 A students enjoyed exploring the various aspects of Islamic Art. They have learned about symmetry and patterns in the art class. They are thoroughly enjoying working on Islamic art form using the glass paints.

Let's see what my kiddos are feeling.....
Arya- I am very happy that I am getting the chance to work
Krishiv- I am happy to make the cultural art which belongs to me
Shaurya- This is the fun than any other art
Sanmit- I love doing this art and I have not done this kind of art before
Aditya- I am very excited to use glass colours

Monday 26 February 2018

Grade 1 students exploring Cave Art

Exploring cave art by Grade 1

All the grade 1 students have enjoyed learning about the Cave Art. They have been given experience to work with natural twigs to make their art form.They have explored how caveman has used their art for communicating ideas