Monday 7 March 2016

puppet making by grade 1

Grade 1 students learning Puppets 
to explore various ways of story telling

Sunday 6 March 2016

grade 6 - MYP year 1 poster presentation and review of the works

Grade 6- MYP year 1 students have taken the unit of poster making.They have created various posters based on 'Keep Calm' theme.

Art Assembly on artist Laurel Burch

Art  Assembly on artist Laurel Burch

grade 2 students performed art assembly on artist Laurel Burch.They presented a small skit to talk about her courage and creativity.They have presented their artworks which have been created by taking inspiration from artist's.

Diwali celebration in art

Diwali celebration in art

‘Each individual artist and student belongs to several overlapping cultures and subcultural groups. Art can communicate multiple identities within one culture as well as make cross-cultural comparisons. Artistic processes and products may also show cultural mixing’

When we talk a lot about pluralism, children have already nurtured the strand within themselves and representing by their act. I am very happy to see my multicultural students enjoying Diya decoration, paper lanterns making and Rangoli creation as a part of Diwali celebration. I am surprised to see their thoughts about giving a gift to the ones who celebrates: as it is not the part of their culture to celebrate. 

Friday 4 March 2016